Saturday, March 5, 2011

Prayer for the closing of our Stewardship Campaign

This is the prayer that I composed for the close of our Stewardship Campaign at St. Boniface Episcopal Church. Thanks to Chess for "proofing" and some final grammatical edits.

Gracious and loving God, source of every grace and blessing, as we gather today we also bring you thanks for the many gifts you have given us: our lives, our families, our friends...and our time, our talents and our treasures.  We thank you for safe passage as we met with one another to share and learn our hopes for our parish life together. We acknowledge all that we have comes from you and you call us to be stewards of your gifts. Bless us as we gather today to return from your gifts our commitments to your ministry at St. Boniface. Bless these commitments we have made and will continue to make as you open our eyes to your ever evolving plan for us.  Renew your Spirit within us and be present among us.  Give us strength and courage as we continue on our faith journey to become more generous disciples of Christ so that your love might be shared, your work might be accomplished and your will be done in our parish, this community and around the world by our being your hands, hearts and feet. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  AMEN.

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