Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Of the three things I pray...

I must admit, I am one that is easily distracted. One moment, I can be totally focused on the most important thing on my agenda, and the next moment, I am distracted by the most minor of details. This isn't because of any type of disorder or hyperactivity; this is because I, like most of you, have 30 things running through my mind that I either should, must, could, or need to do before I get to the next thing. Taking the time to stop and pray, or stop and do anything for that matter, can sometimes be, well, time-consuming.

When Jesus taught us to pray, at least according to the Gospel of Luke and Kennedy's interpretation of Luke, Luke didn't give us formula, Jesus gave us a technique. This technique reminds us that when we pray we need to pray for help in understanding God's will, our bodily needs and our relationships.

When you pray privately today, pray for God's will in and God's will for the journey of your life. Pray that God will meet your needs of daily bread. And pray that God will be present in all of relationships, those that have withstood the test of time, those that are strained, and those that are yet to come.

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