Monday, June 6, 2011

Ascension Day and St. Boniface Day at St. Boniface

Here is the 10:30 Ascension Day/St. Boniface Day service from St. Boniface Episcopal Church, Mequon. The Rev. Lauren Stanley is the guest Preacher for this service.

The reading of the Gospel begins at 16:34 and the sermon begins at 19:15.

The Gloria, written by Thomas Miller (a parishioner of St. Boniface, no relation to the Fr. Kenny) begins at approximately the 4:35 mark.

The St. Boniface Song (If you have the name of the parishioner who penned this song, please let me know and I will update this post and give her the proper credit!) begins at 53:04 mark.

The Sanctus, written by Thomas Miller (a parishioner of St. Boniface, no relation to the Fr. Kenny) begins at the 1:00:36 mark.

My apologies to God, Tom, and to all of you for making such a mess of the sursum corda on this glorious day.

Many thanks to the Rev. Lauren Stanley for coming to St. Boniface to preaching the Gospel and reminding us we have been tagged...and we are it!


Fr. Kenny